Monday, 29 November 2010

History of Kimilili - a town that has suffered

Where is Kimilili?

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Kimilili is a town and area in Kenya's Bungoma District. The area is occupied mainly by the Bukusu and Sabaot communities. Its proximity to the fertile slopes of Mt Elgon, on the Kenya-Uganda border, has made it a trading center for agricultural goods and services. The town has an urban population of 10,251.

The surrounding region is mainly farmland, the main cash crops being coffee, maize, beans, sunflower seed and tea.

In past years, this region has suffered from land conflicts that have resulted in displacement of thousands. The famous Sabaot Land Defense Forces who were the aggressors and the main agitators of this conflict, have, however, been subdued by the government.

Below a link to BBC news on the Sabaot Land Defence Forces:

In a nutshell:
  • Over 300,000 people have been displaced in Kenya since the violence erupted. Our 250 Kimilili kids are victims as well
  • Over 400 poeple have been killed by the SLDF. Its members are armed with assault rifles
Let's support the Kimilili Community!

Hakuna matata

Some facts about the country we are going to:
  • Jambo is Hello in Swahili which is the language spoken in Kenya.
  • Kenya was a British colony from 1895 to 1963.
  • The area of Kenya is 582,646 sq klm.
  • The population of Kenya is 29.4 million.
  • About 97 per cent of Kenya's people are Africans
  • The top fifth of the people in Kenya earn 20 times more money than the bottom fifth people in Kenya.
  • 30 per cent of people in Kenya can now read and write.
  • Asante means goodbye in Swahili.

Hakuna Matata is Swahili too. Probably the most important words we will be using during our stay...

Friday, 26 November 2010

Impressions of Kimilili

Dear friends and family,
As you know, we are leaving for our volunteering trip to Kenya in January.
250 orphans in Kimilili (West Kenya) are waiting to play, learn and share their life with us. It’s a tough life and we’d like to share some impressions with you:
Some of the kids in their small school. It’s a hut build with loam and mud with no toilet or cooking facilities
The small hut in the foreground is hiding the hole in the ground that is used as a toilet.
Ohh, and don’t forget:
We will be using that hole as well very soon! (Our hope is that it won't stink too much despite the 35 degrees in the shade)

Welcome to the cooking facility:

No, this is not a bad picture but the smoke of open fire.
By the way:
Exposure to cookstove smoke kills nearly 2 million people every year and doubles a child's risk of contracting pneumonia!

What can we do to ease their lifes? So little can do so much!

80 Euro buys a waterpump supplying up to 50 people with fresh water and providing enough water to irrigate the vegetable and fruit garden
A qualified teacher earns 15 Euros per month (if enough funding is available!)
Around 15 Euro for an one pot mud oven. Alternatively, a similar oven can be built with just 6 red bricks
Dry toilets cost 300 to 400 Euros per cabin. They are essential to improve the hygiene situations of the kids!!!
A school kitchen will cost around 400 Euros. 250 kids can be fed!
75 Euros will feed 4 families for 3 months!
A new school built of  proper bricks and windows is required. How much? 30’000 Euros...


This is gonna be our home starting in January….

And the shower: (unfortunately not working)

If you want to learn more, please visit their homepage:
There is a small “donate” button on that website...

If you don’t feel save donating over a website, we've opened an account to support the Kimilili orphans. Donations on this account will only be used to improve their living conditions by supporting some of the above projects.
We promise pictures of every new item brought / project supported with that money!
Kühne Agnes
Finanzinstitut Zürcher Kantonalbank
8010 Zürich
Bankclearing-Nr. (BC-Nr.) 700
IBAN CH0600700350042123226
Bankkonto-Nr. 3500-4.212322.6

Again, thanks for all your support. It warms our hearts realizing, how much support we are experiencing from all of you

Take care and

Alex & Agnes

Die zwei Abenteurer...

Zwei der 250 Waisen, die auf uns warten...
Sie haben Aids, aber sie wissen es nicht.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Danke Agnes für diese wahnsinns Möglichkeit!!!

Wie Ihr hier sehen könnt, hat Agnes schon fleissig Informationen und vor allem Reaktionen zu der Reise nach Kenia gesammelt!
Ich habe mich kurzerhand entschieden, Agnes auf der Reise zu begleiten und auch als Volunteer bei der CBSM in Kimilili zu arbeiten.

Im Verlauf dieser Zeit werden wir hier unsere Eindrücke, Erfahrungen und alles rund um das tägliche Leben vor Ort niederschreiben und auch ich würde mich riesig freuen, wenn Ihr mich unterstützt und uns begleitet!
An alle die mich in meinem Entscheid diese Reise anzutreten bestärkt haben, schon jetzt ein herzliches Dankeschön!

Ich werde Euch alle auf dem laufenden halten:)

Alex kommt mit nach Kenia!!!

Noch jemand, die das Herz am richtigen Fleck trägt!

Herzlich willkommen Alex!

Ich freu mich wahnsinnig, dass Du bei dem grossen Abenteuer dabei bist!

Friday, 19 November 2010

Eine Sammlung der schönsten Reaktionen...

..."Westafrika! Bekomm mir keinen Sonnenstich!
Ach, ich hab so Angst um MICH!
Angst! Angst ich könnte platzen!
Ach, so stolz bin ich auf Dich!"

Müsli aus Berlin

"Kann da nur eins zu sagen:
Nur, wer anderen hilft, kann in seinem Leben wirklich glücklich sein. Ich fühle mich geehrt, den glücklichsten Menschen auf dieser Erde zu kennen!"
Freund aus Hannover

"Na, das sind ja wieder ganz unglaubliche Sachen, die Du da vorhast.

Freund aus Hamburg

"Gerne schaue ich mal in deinen Block um zu verfolgen wer Dich als erstes
erwischt. Löwe oder Nielpferd. :)"
Freund aus Lüneburg

Jurist aus Zürich

"Es sind die kleinen Dinge, die einen grossen Menschen ausmachen!"
Mann an meiner Seite aus Zürich

"Looks like a very noble cause. I have sent over your request (for old laptops, cell phones or digital cameras) to one of my major clients"
Kollege aus Zürich

Einen Anruf aus Basel von einer Kollegin, die ich nicht kenne, mir aber ihre Unterstützung anbietet
Kollgegin aus Basel

After sending an email with a request for old laptops, cell phones and digital cameras to my work colleagues, I received the following feedback within 12 hours:
Cell phones: 10
Digital Cameras: 6
Laptops: 7
Deloitte Colleagues

Thanks to all of you!

Tuesday, 16 November 2010