Financial planning:
Together with the school head master and members of the board, we prioritized the following investments. Please be assured that below investments are essential for the school to improve and allow for the education of 250 children. If you would like to support below projecst, please click here. Thank you!
Investments planned for 2011:
Priority 1: Toilets
Description: The minister of health inspected the school and required toilets to be build for the school not to be closed. These toilets be on the rented land as the purchased land is too small to cater for toilets. There is a minimum distance required to the main school building, therefore the only option is to place the toilets on the rented piece of land.
The toilets to be build meet the requirements of the minister of health. It offers six doors for girls and 3 doors plus an urinal for the boys. In addition, a separate toilet for teachers is needed as this is required by Kenyan law.
Status: The toilets will be built in two steps:
Step one is digging a 10 meter deep hole (untrained labour) for 100 Euros. Work started and is to be finished mid of next week.
Step two is the actual building: We have a first quotation for 630 Euros. We are in the process of getting additional quotations to compare prices.
Funding: enough funding for the toilets is available, thanks to the many donations received so far!
Priority 2: Fence
Description: The school area needs to be fenced, requirement of minister of education. Cost 100 Euros
Status: Completed
Funding: Completed. Thanks for your support!
Priority 3: School books
Description: No books are available for the teachers to teach the different classes / subjects
Status: Meeting set up on Monday with head teacher to walk through book requirements per subject and class. Cost not known yet
Funding: Funding might be sufficient (depending on cost of school books)
Priority 4: Additional class rooms and school desks
Description: Currently the school has four class room (for 8 class levels) and one additional office / teacher’s recreation area. One of the class room walls need to be repaired as the mud wall crashed down.
The current class rooms are used by two classes each, sometimes even sharing the same teacher. If two teachers are available, half of the classes look towards one side of the room (with teacher standing in front) and the other half looks to the opposite side (with teacher in front). If only one teacher is available, both classes look towards the same direction with the teacher sharing his / her time between classes. Sharing classes lead to disruptions and low concentration level. This is especially a problem for the higher classes as they need to pass national examination soon.
Status: In discussion with different builders to get quotation, first offer displays 1400 Euros for a temporary building (created out of mud, no proper bricks). We are looking into building a temporary school built with bricks and cement. No quotation received yet. Estimation is around 5000 Euros.
Funding: Funding of non-temporary building (mud) might be sufficient, for temporary school building (bricks) funds available are not yet sufficient
Priority 5: Roof for current school building
Description: The current school building does not offer a rain-proof roof. As the rain season starts in February, this is of high priority
Description: The current school building does not offer a rain-proof roof. As the rain season starts in February, this is of high priority
Status: Awaiting quotation
Funding: Not yet secured
Priority 6: Gate
Description: To increase security of school, a gate needs to be installed to complete the fencing
Status: Not yet started
Funding: Not yet secured
Priority 7: First installment for land purchase
Description: The adjacent land is rented till end of 2012. Thereafter, the landlord wants to sell the land. As permanent buildings (e.g. toilets) are being constructed on the rented land, it is essential for CBSM to buy the land. This will lay the base for CBSM to create a long lasting education center.
The landlord agreed to fix the price if CBSM pays a first installment.
Status: Amount of installment and prize of land to be discussed. First installment estimated to be around 1000 Euros, total purchase of land is estimated to be around 5000 Euros
Funding: Not yet secured
Investments planned for 2012:
Priority 8: Water access
Description: No water available on school grounds. Water pipe runs through the school ground.
Status: Quotation received for access of water (120 Euros) plus laying of water pipes (100 Euros)
Funding: Not yet secured
Priority 9: Purchase of land:
Description: Purchase of adjacent (rented) land
Status: Not yet started. Land purchase will be around 5’000 Euros
Funding: Not yet secured
Priority 10: School uniforms
Description: School uniforms are mandatory for school kids in Kenya. However, it is often the reason why parents don’t send their kids to school as they can’t afford school fees and school uniforms. CBSM does accept children that can’t afford school fees, however, no uniforms are given out to support the needy children.
Status: Checking different tailors for quotations
Funding: Not yet secured