Monday, 20 December 2010

First impressions from Nairobi

I made it to Nairobi. The reception at the airport by Rev Wasike and his wife have been very warm. After a quick 20 min drive we arrived at a neighbourhood outside Nairobi.

The house has no running water, but it is clean and very welcoming. We handed over all the donations collected and Rev Wasike and his wife were overwhelmed. Please find attached a picture of the happy faces of Rev. Wasike and his wife while getting one of the many laptops.

"This brings the Kimilili Community 10 steps ahead" was one of his many happy reactions. "We have been waiting and praying for your safe arrival".

As you can see, I am being well looked after. We chatted till early in the morning and exchanged cultural habits and customs. One of the facts that really amazed Rev Wasike was that every house in Switzerland has electricity! (In Kenya only about 25% have this luxury).

The fact that most chocked him (and this could easily be seen on his face) was the fact that man in Europe cook! This is definetly not possible in Kenya, many men don't even enter the kitchen!

Tomorrow morning I will start my safari trip, so probably I won't have access to internet for a while. However, I'm benig well looked after.

Rev Wasike even insisted in bringing us to the city center tomorrow morning so that he "could have a look at to whom I hand you over" :) Sweet, isn't it?

Thanks and take good care. We are waiting for you Alex and Thanks Lia for all your support!



  1. Tears in my eyes...
    Don´t be eaten by lyons tomorrow.
    Müsli from CR
    ps. Did you know that this year you will be 9h and 20 min older, more used and with more wrincles and crinkles... :)

  2. Bin gespannt auf Fotos von Safari :)
