Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Monthly run rate

Dear Friends
Our days in Kimilili are counted and one of our last goals is to transform CBSM into a sustainable school. For this, we’ve developed a so called “run rate” indicating the costs occurring on a monthly basis. The below run rate reflects the changes planned but not yet implemented, (e.g., two new trained teachers) to meet the requirements of the ministry of education and to improve the professionalism of the school.
This is our run rate:

Teachers‘ salaries:
Head teacher:                                                                         80 Euros         
Deputy head teacher:                                                               70 Euros
Trained Teacher (upper classes) à 60 Euros (2x):                     120 Euros
Early Childhood Teachers (lower classes) à 50 Euros (2x):      100 Euros
            Assistants (not trained or undergoing training) à 35 Euros (4x): 140 Euros
            Cook and guard à 30 Euros (2x):                                             60 Euros
Teachers’ lunch:                                                                                   40 Euros
Students’ snack (required by ministry of education for lower classes):   25 Euros
Stationary (chalk, books, pencils…)                                                    10 Euros
Repair and Maintenance                                                                      5 Euros
Water consumption                                                                             10 Euros
Exams (need to be bought and photocopied)                                       15 Euros
TOTAL:                                                                                            675 Euros

The above numbers have been compiled and verified by us with the support and information from the head teacher, the ministry of education and the board members. We also reviewed the book keeping, also there is not a lot to review. There only income is school fees paid by those students who can afford it financially. Currently, around 50 students are paying 2 Euros per month. This leads to a total income of around 100 Euros per month!

As you can easily see, the math doesn’t tally. Currently our teachers are all volunteering. As CBSM School is currently not able to pay teachers’ salaries, it is impossible to recruit and/or maintain trained teachers (Please note: donations on our account will continue to support CBSM School’s sustainability in the future. We managed to establish a trustworthy system to control use of donations. If you’d like more information, please let us know).

There is more news regarding financials: we bought the first plot (not the whole land yet, but the part where the toilets are built on!). All settled with attorney and witnesses signing the contract in a dark back room. Felt a bit like in a mafia-movie…

Today we also picked up the first 24 uniforms for needy kids. They are really neat and we had great fun:

Sponsored by Marco

Two school girls...
Very big hug from Kimilili!!!
Alex & Agnes


  1. You two are creating dreams again...
    You look fantastic.
    @ Marco, stay with me!!!
    Big hugs!
    Müsli from Berlin

  2. OMG, look how sweet you are ;) what a surprise - well done! but hey, the skirts could have been just a little shorter... ;) the requirement was "sexy" ;) although i am aware that this may not have gone down well in Kimilili... :)

    enjoy your last days - you keep impressing all of us!

  3. Ein Tag ohne einen Eintrag ist kein richtiger Tag.
    Te amo
    Müsli aus Berlin
