Wednesday, 12 January 2011

School benchs - self made

Dear friends,
Another hard working day is over, we are sweaty and dirty and stinky but extremely fulfilled.
This is what we did:

Self made school benches

Helpers and head teacher (left)
But to get there was a long and sweaty business.

We went to a timber shop this morning and bought the raw material. 146 feet of timber! (Danke Elena, hier ist ein Teil Deiner Spende geblieben! Weitere Schulbänke werden damit folgen)

Timber shop

First challenge: transportation!
It took us four times (1.5 km each way!) to get all the material to the school. On our first trip we met a guy who was willing to transport it for us. Unlucky enough, he wasn't willing to do an additional trip. We probably scared him off when we told him that his current freight were the small and light timbers that needed transportation… Alex handed him three cigarettes as a little thank you. Alex is still mourning about the high loss of valuable Swiss cigarettes…
No other option: selber Hand anlegen!:

Sooo hot!... :)
Once at school we thought the most difficult part was over. We proofed to be wrong. Building the actual school desks with 35 degrees (and right next to the latrines) is not an easy game!

Nailing (the desks!) :)

Nailing using local tools (stone!)

Smoothening one of the four final desks
But after finishing, the school “paid us back”. Transportation back into town was free!

Free ride (back home!) :)

As electricity was off again during IT lessons, we enjoyed an evening off: showering (with candle) and reading a book sitting outside until the sun went down. Excuse us for the short report, we’ll continue to enjoy our evening off! :)

This was before the shower, please don't look at my legs...

Time to relax...

Bye bye!

Alex and Agnes


  1. Vanessa Guimaraes12 January 2011 at 19:59

    Hi Agnes!
    I'm so proud about you two. You are inspiring good causes around the world.
    I'm following the blog and sending good energies.
    Be proud about yourself and be strong everyday more !

    Parabéns pela atitude !


    Vanessa Guimaraes

  2. Hey lese jeden morgen euren Blog und bin begeistert was ihr auf die Beine stellt!
    Hab mir vorgenommen mich nach der WM 2014 in Brasilien zu engagieren.

  3. @Müsli: You look more tanned than Alex, or are you just dirtier?
    Loving your blog!
    kisses and hugs
    Müsli from B :(
    Ps. Fabian turned religious, did you notice?

  4. @Tobi: super Sache! Ich komm Dich dann besuchen! ) Beijo!
    @Müsli: Klar bin ich brauner als Alex! hehe... Lieb!

  5. Hi Müsli! Bei Ihr sieht das nur gebräunt aus!! Sie ist knatsche rot wie ein Schweinchen!:) Deshalb reflektiert sie in der Kamera viel mehr als ich!:) Liebe Grüsse Alex

  6. klar ist sie bräuner, was erwartest du, von einer halb-brasilianerin ;) - aber im vergleich zu eurem profil-bild ist der unterschied bei beiden sowieso ultra-krass!
